Artist Champions
The life of an artist can be rewarding and empowering, full of passion and creativity. It’s a life, we at New Earth Theatre, strive to embody. But we also know that it can be financially challenging at times.
For our supporters who don’t have the funds to donate (though any small amount helps), we ask you to consider becoming a New Earth Artist Champion.
Ways you can help:
Are you planning on running the London marathon (or even a 5k)?
You can find sponsors with proceeds going to New Earth Theatre.
Do you have former classmates that have hit it big in the world of finance?
Hit them up on our behalf.
Have a favourite restaurant?
Ask them to sponsor an evening where a percentage of profits for the evening go to New Earth Theatre.
Are you skilled at getting people to give you things?
Help us source donations for a raffle at our 30th Anniversary party in September.
No idea is too crazy. To get the conversation started, email