
The New Earth Writers Academy Plus offers writing workshops to B/ESEA writers who have drafted at least one full-length play. This fall, the Academy offers a 1-week Re-Drafting Clinic designed to support five writers in their re-drafting process. Each writer will share a play they wish to re-draft (to be submitted in advance). During the Clinic week, writers will try techniques and strategies designed to open new doors into their plays.

The programme will be akin to a group expedition into the world of each of the five plays—as well as a scavenger hunt of useful tactics for and observations of re-drafting as a creative process in itself. The week will also include group writing sessions and individual conferences with the programme leader. Participating writers will form a peer cohort that is positioned to provide ongoing, mutual support beyond the programme.

Course Dates: Monday 30th September - Friday 4th October 2024
Course Leader: Mia Chung
Location: 38 Mayton Street, London

Applications now closed. New Earth Academy applications will re-open in spring 2025.

How much do I need to pay to attend New Earth Academy and New Earth Academy Plus?
NOTHING - it’s completely free. We aim to keep all our New Earth Academy and New Earth Academy Plus free at the point of access to reduce financial barriers for participants.

We also offer travel bursary places for participants in need of financial support. If you'd like to apply for the travel bursary, please tell us why in your application  and the amount you'd like to apply for.

What is the schedule of Writers Academy Plus course?
Writers Academy Plus 2024 is a week long, full time course. Usual hours are 10am-6pm Monday to Friday. There may be social activities or theatre trips on some evenings. Course content varies depending on the course leader who leads the programme.

Due to the structure of the course, full attendance across all days is required.

What counts as a full length play?
You'll need to submit a draft of the full length play you want to work on during the Writers Academy Plus course as part of the application. In this context, a full length play is one with a running time of at least 60 minutes or over 10,000 words.

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