In 2020, for the first time, Yellow Earth offered a Performers Academy in Manchester for young British East/South East Asians* based in the North West.
With the challenges that came about due to the Coronovirus, we decided to innovate the framework of the course. Instead of the one-week course as originally planned, we hosted bi-weekly online classes from 12 May-17 July.
The course was led by performance artist Stacy Makishi alongside sessions in voice, movement and clowning and weekly lunchtime Q and A’s on a range of topics with industry professionals.
Course tutors: Live Art Social (Distancing) Club: Stacy Makishi, Movement: Jennifer Jackson, Voice: Gary Horner, Voice: Sam Malone, Clowning: Georgia Murphy
This course was delivered in partnership with: Contact, HOME, Manchester International Festival (MIF) Royal Exchange Theatre, Sustained Theatre Up North (STUN) and The Lowry.